Sky Wires

Ages   8+
Adult required
2 hrs Session
Steep Ravine

Our zip wires course is two miles of adrenaline fuelled adventure, where we’ll send you flying through the trees. During the two-hour course, you’ll tackle four zip wires that will take you to different parts of the forest and give you a chance to perfect your technique.

There won’t be much time to get nervous though! After taking you through your safety brief, you’ll get instruction on how to take off and land, and before you know it you’ll be hitched up and getting ready to catapult through the air.

Don’t worry though – we’re not that cruel. We’ll be easing you in by starting on the simplest courses, where you can build up your confidence before you take on the biggest challenge - soaring over the Steep Ravine and waving at the people at Camp Smokey below!

There’s not much to get worried about because our trained instructors will be there every step of the way to give you words of encouragement, keep you safe and dish out any tips – all you have to do is remember to open your eyes.


Need to know


Children need to be 8 years plus to take part and an adult will need to be in attendance for the duration of the training, but is not required to participate.


You'll need closed toe footwear (trainers/flat boots preferable) and long trousers are recommended. Pleased don't wear heeled shoes or flip-flops

Hair and accessories

Please tie hair back for the duration of the activity and empty pockets of valuables before your session starts. Rings will need to be removed/taped

Height and weight

Maximum weight limit is 120kg (18.9stone) and minimum height is 1.20m (3’ 11’’).

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