Woodland Warriors

Ages   8+
Adult required
1 hr Session
Steep Ravine

Step into the Steep Ravine's woodland arena and discover who the real warriors are with our exhilarating laser combat games. This activity isn’t for the faint-hearted and will get your blood pumping and adrenaline going as you strategise how to beat your opponent in a series of exciting challenges.

Your group will have to work together to take down your opponents in games like Last Man-Standing, Capture the Flag, and Protect the General. Whether you stick with your mates or mix the groups up so you're pitted against your friends - remember there can only be one winner! You’re going to need quick-thinking, a good aim, and just a touch of combat skill to emerge victoriously – or you could just be a natural.

Laser tag is less messy and painful than other similar combat games like paint-balling, so why not see if you’ve got what it takes?


Need to know


Please wear appropriate clothing for an outdoor activity. Closed toe footwear only (no sandals/heels).


Parent/Guardian required to fill out disclaimer on arrival. All under 18s required to be dropped off and collected by adult. Min age 8+ if accompanied by an adult

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