
Ages   6+
Adult required
15 mins Session

Can you make it to the top of the StarCatcher and ring the bell? During the session, you will learn to navigate your way up the StarCatcher, a naturally grown tree adapted for climbing, with two different courses that increase in difficulty as you progress.

Finding it too simple? Our instructor is on hand to lay out a series of challenges that will keep you sweating. Or, if you’re struggling, we can make it a little easier and give a few pointers to help you succeed!

StarCatcher is ideal for anyone who wants to try tree climbing but isn’t ready to venture outside just yet. You’ll find the activity at the centre of Serendome, next to SkyWalk and the Bar-o-meter.


Need to know


Please wear appropriate clothing for your comfort and safety. Activity requires closed toe footwear (e.g. trainers/flat boots).

Weight and height

A minimum height of 1.1m and a maximum weight of 18.9st/120kg to take part 

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